Tournament Rules

In order to keep the tournaments organized and fun, Soccer in Sun has come up with a few guidelines and reminders for each player and manager. Please read these items thoroughly and utilize them in the tournament. 

What you need to know…

General Tournament Requirements

Tournament Rules

This tournament will be played under FIFA Rules, however the following modifications apply.

All games will be considered as final and no protest will be allowed, not applicable to forfeiture defaults or imposition.

Team rosters must be submitted prior to the start of the tournament.

All players must be of the age of the group that they are playing in. Age is determined not by date of birth but by the calendar year of birth. This means the player must be or turn the age of the bracket by December 31 of the tournament year. Age can only be questioned by the team captain or manager. If there are any questions about age, the manager of the team (not a player) needs to ask the referee to check the player in question’s ID. An age protest may only be made prior to the start of play, at the half time or immediately upon final whistle; the player in question must present the ID before the game clock runs down, but the player cannot play until cleared by the referee. At the time of protest both teams will repair to the sideline. The team managers, the referees and the player in question will meet in the middle of the field. No other persons are allowed on the field at this time. The referee will inspect the ID and their judgment will be final. Upon presentation, play will resume until the end of time. If ID is requested at the end of play the player must present their ID within 5 minutes of the request.

THIS RULE WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED: Teams that field ineligible players will be assessed with an automatic 0-3 loss on all games. The team will be ejected from the tournament and the team and all players will received a 1 year suspension from Soccer in Sun tournaments.

Slide tackling is not allowed. Slide tackling directed towards any player will may result in a possible YELLOW or RED card.  If there are NO opposing players in the area of play, sliding is allowed if you are sliding to save a ball from going out of play or from scoring. This rule will be strongly enforced by the refs. The referee has final discretion on this rule.


Unlimited substitutions will be permitted at any break in play upon notifying the referee.

Yellow Cards entail an automatic five (5) minute cooling off period. The player may be substituted. This includes goalies.

A player ejected for a red card will automatically miss his team’s next game. Depending on the severity of the ejection, the Tournament Director has the right to extend the suspension.

A player ejected for fighting or striking another player, will be suspended for the rest of the tournament. The team will play future games with one less player.

A player or team official (coach or manager) who physically attacks a player, referee, or tournament official will be suspended from the rest of the tournament and possibly all future tournaments, at the discretion of the tournament director.

Any player not playing for the team that was on the original roster will be disqualified and the team that allowed him to play will forfeit the game.

Teams that forfeit games by no-show will not be invited to future tournaments

Players may be of any gender, so long as the player meets the age requirement of their given bracket.

The first-place champion teams will be granted a discount off registration of the 2025 Harvest Cup tournament in their bracket if tournament occurs with that age group and the 2025 age group this year and next year is of 8 teams or more. Teams must still register.

Games are 60 minutes with 30-minute halves and a 5-minute rest. No tie-breaking in tournament play. Quarter-final ties broken with 5 penalty kicks then ended by sudden death with the first missed goal. Semi-final and final ties broken with Penalty Kicks.

 Teams shall have a 15-minute grace from start time until issued forfeiture for no show unless otherwise decided by the tournament director.

If teams have uniforms that are the same color, the team designated as the home team needs to change their uniform.

If any issues arise on the fields, the team manager or captain needs to bring the issues to the referee’s attention and the referee will contact the tournament director if necessary.

Any use of foul language will receive a yellow card. This enforces the first cautionable offense against unsporting conduct as listed in FIFA’s soccer laws.

Any dissent to the referee by a player or person other than the team captain or manager will receive a yellow card. This enforces the second cautionable offense against “dissent by word or action”.

Registration fee is non-refundable. Total Registration Fee is $945.00 — $350.00 reservation deposit is due by July 31, 2024, with remaining balance due by September 1, 2024. Cancellation penalties are as follows: for the refundable portion of your entry, 100% is refundable up to July 31; $300 penalty applies to cancellations prior to September 1, 2024; $500 penalty applies to cancellations prior to October 1, 2024,; all payments are 100% non-refundable from October 1, 2024 onward. Please email [email protected] with any questions. Tournament organizers reserve the right to cancel the tournament for any reason at any time. In such an event, full refunds will be issued.

Any breach in the rules or requirements may result in a team’s forfeiture. Rules grievances may be lodged with the tournament director at any time. Tournament Director has final say in all rules.

Rules grievances may be lodged with the tournament director at any time.

Tournament Director has final say in all rules.

Tournament Risk Waiver & Release of Liability

Participation is acknowledgement that soccer and soccer tournaments are extreme tests of a person’s physical and mental limits and participation in a soccer event can cause potential death, serious injury, or property damage.

With a full understanding of the potential risks, YOU AND YOUR TEAM HEREBY ASSUME THE RISKS OF PARTICIPATING OR OFFICIATING IN A SOCCER EVENT. You hereby take the following action for myself, my executors, administrators, heirs, next of kin, successors and assigns. By participating in this event you understand there is no guarantee of safety or insurance coverage for physical damage. You further understand the implied risk of participating in a sporting event of this nature and you execute the following:

a.) YOU WAIVE, RELEASE, AND DISCHARGE Harvest Cup Soccer tournament, its organizers, referees, associates and field owners from any and all claims or liabilities for death or personal injury or damages of any kind, which arise out of or relate to my traveling to and from or my participation in the Harvest Cup Soccer tournament

b) YOU AGREE NOT TO SUE the Harvest Cup Soccer tournament, its organizers, referees, associates and or field owners for any of the claims or liabilities that you have waived, released or discharged herein

c) YOU INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS the Harvest Cup Soccer tournament, its organizers, referees, associates and or field owners from any claims made or liabilities assessed against them as a result of my actions.

Point System

6 points for a win

4 points for a tie

1 point for every goal, up to 3 goals

1 point for shut out win (not a 0-0 tie)

1 point loss for a red card

Please read the following carefully

REMINDER: Team managers are entirely responsible to ensure that all players are properly registered and meet the age restrictions of the group that they are playing in. You further agree to convey the following waiver and release of liability information to your players and agree that they have read and understand the tournament rules and the Tournament Waiver and Release of Liability located in the 2022 General Tournament Requirements. Your submission of the roster with all players’ names and signatures confirm this action.

Participants agree to not sue the “Harvest Cup Soccer Tournament,” its agents and representatives, and the owner of the playing fields used by the “Harvest Cup Soccer Tournament”, for any injury incurred during any “Harvest Cup Soccer Tournament” play and events. Participants understand and agree that the “Harvest Cup Soccer Tournament” reserves the right to eject any player or team from play. I further understand and agree that the “Harvest Cup Soccer Tournament” reserves the right to discontinue any player’s or teams’ participation in the “Harvest Cup Soccer Tournament” at any time and without compensation for any fees or dues paid by that player. I understand and agree that the “Harvest Cup Soccer Tournament” reserves the right to amend or alter game schedules, venues and rules at any time.

Point Tie Breakers

Head-to-head result

Goal Differential

Least goals against

Most goals scored

Red cards

Coin toss